martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Hancom Hangul Office Viewer Android Edition

Hancom Hangul Office Viewer Android Edition
Key Features
1. Viewing the contents of the document provides
: A / posts, as well as documents that are stored in the viewer, e-mail, you can view the document attached to the right.
2. Mount the file manager
, file read, move, copy, file management to e-mail from a viewer's ability to complete documentation is available.
3. Provides a list of the files in an external memory
as external memory (SD card) provides a list of files you can move files in external memory.
4. Security document support
: Your password is set, the document is available for document viewing and distribution.
5. View recent feature article provides
: a list of recently opened documents organized into folders and shows.
What's new in version 1.2
: 1. Android OS 3.x support
2. Hwp 1.x, 2.x, and one / Post 2010SE document formats
3. Table and image (bmp, wmf) improve viewing objects 
4. Hwp document viewing screen, additional support for up to 30% reduction ratio

Operating system
Android OS v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, 3.0 support
Supported file formats
: 1. A / Post article (1.X-2010) (*. hwp) (However, some versions created in Style, formulas, charts are not supported)
2. A / Post Format (*. hwt)
3. A / Post document contains a picture file (*. bmp, *. gif, *. jpg, *. png,, *. wmf)
Please note
: 1. Fonts designed for mobile mount, except for some signs in English and Hangul are not properly represented in the area.
2. Specified in the original document, change the font in the font may appear mobile and can also vary the layout of the document:
3. OLE objects, charts, forms, objects, and a / posts embedded in the document sound / video / flash and some files (AI, CDR, CGM, DRW, DXF, EMF, EPS, HDR, PIC, PICT, PLT, TIFF, WPG, etc. ), the image effect is currently not supported (only [mobile-optimized document storage in feature in the case of documents that are stored as OLE objects, charts, forms, objects appear as if included in the figure.
4 e-mail attachments View the document if the HWP MIME TYPE type of support is received from the mail.
5 for sure equipment is normal behavior 'Galaxy S', 'Galaxy S-II', 'gaelreoksitaep', 'gaelreoksitaep 10.1', ' Motorola Zoom ',' Nexus One ',' Nexus S ',' HTC Desire HD '.' LG Optimus Q ',' LG Optimus 2X ', this is normal behavior in other equipment may not be.


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